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I pray for all who may read my blog! I hope it is uplifting and maybe even funny. Lol! My boys are that is for sure!

Holding on to God

Holding on to God

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It has been interesting as I have gotten older (and hopefully wiser lol) to see how God is working in me. I am far from where I need to be. I am continually amazed at how the things I need God provides for me the more I worry less and just be content with what I have. I will give you some what may seem silly examples. I was in need of some decent tennis shoes. I needed them yet it isn't like a desperate kind of need and also new I was gonna need some winter shoes( that was more important then tennis shoes). I hadn't even looked at shoes just would think of it from time to time. There is just to much other things that need taken care of. Well Just this week I got a pair of both in my size free! Also I was in need of a stove with a working oven. ( I had taped the heating element once when it was hot cause geese had dripped on it and it broke lol,yah stupid I know). I hadn't pressed the issue or complained( something I would have done in the past).I actually wasn't worried( odd for me). I went a good three months or more without a working oven. I finally called swap shop about a stove but again wasn't to worried. I got a couple calls and we were gonna go look at one for $100.00 that weekend. I ended up taking my sister and brother-in-law to the recycle shed at the dump and guess what! There was a stove in great condition and clean and my brother-in-law was able to put it in his van for me. I wouldn't have been able to get it if he wasn't there. And best of all it was FREE! It continues to happen to me on a constant biases. I don't worry much anymore. I mean God always provides what I need and the more I worry and try to find ways to make things work the harder it seems. Simple prayers said to the Almighty God and faith that in His time and His way we will be provided for!
My mom comments often of how blessed I am and is continually amazed! I am becoming less amazed and realizing it is simply that God does and will provide for those who love and trust him. I am learning the true meaning of trusting God and having faith. It doesn't mean say the words,pray,say God will take care of it then worry and try to figure it out lol! That is taking control.I want God to be in control therefor I tell Him what I am in need of and wait to see how He will provide without stressin over it. It is fun to see how it all comes about.

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