Welcome and May God Bless you this day!

I pray for all who may read my blog! I hope it is uplifting and maybe even funny. Lol! My boys are that is for sure!

Holding on to God

Holding on to God

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Today was a good day :) I got all the kids dressed for playing in the snow after school. Getting four boys and me ready to play in snow isn't an easy task but well worth it. I thought Ethan might not remember snow since he was like eleven months old the last time he saw it but he just grinned great big kicked the snow then picked some up and threw it at me lol! I love boys! They are so fun! Kiah kept getting on all fours and licking up the snow. Which created a snow ring around his face lol! Christian said half his face was frozen but just loved being in the snow and trying to get me with it! I finally said we had to go in when Ethan took his gloves off because they were to wet and then tried playing in the snow with out them. lol! He kept trying to shake the snow off! It was funny and even though his hands were very cold he didn't want to go inside! Josh liked it but gave up much faster then the rest of us and went inside lol!
So I took them all inside and got them undressed and went out and got snow for snow Ice Cream. MMMMM....
I am trying real hard to change the way we discipline our Kiah. I am trying so hard not to spank him. And trying to give him more one on one time with me. So I have been doing alot and I mean a lot of time outs. One minute per age so for him three minutes. And alot of praise and encouragement when ever I can find any reason to give it!I think I see a change in him just in the last two days. Aaron said he saw a change too. He is a strong willed and can be defiant child whom we love but can be quiet frustrating lol!

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