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I pray for all who may read my blog! I hope it is uplifting and maybe even funny. Lol! My boys are that is for sure!

Holding on to God

Holding on to God

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Remedies and ramblings

Ok so I have done all these remedies plus another.
You add 1/2 tsp. ginger and 1tsp. honey and take once a day for phlegm. The boys didn't mind that one to bad except they said it was spicy and drank lots of water but said it didn't taste bad.
Christian hated the onion juice! He hates onions lol and the first time I made it I blended up the soft onions and so it was thicker. The second time I made it I just cooked it till most of the onions were mush then took them out with a slotted spoon. Josh and Kiah didn't mind it at all and said it was good. Christian still didn't like it lol!
All of them didn't mind the Goot on the feet. They said it was cold and tickled when I put it on but that was it. As of Thursday they are acting normal with little coughing. Mainly when they get to playing or dancing allot.
I also didn't let them go outside hardly at all and we didn't leave the house until today. Trying to keep them away from people and the cold away from them.
Oh I also did honey and lemon juice in hot water as a drink a few times and had Josh and Christian sit over steamy water with their head covered with a towel till they couldn't stand it anymore. I did that only once though.
I am happy to say the boys are well on there way to being totally over this! Yes!

I am also excited because we got most of their schooling books for next year already. I was able to get some Ken Ham movies and books,Abeka etc. I am just so excited! Aaron was a great help in deciding what get for them. Boy do I love that man! I am one of those people that get over whelmed with decision making with things like this. There is just so much out there. He balances me out so perfectly!

We will be staying here in Mac after all! I am happy knowing God is in control and not me! I look forward to doing more painting in the house. Maybe in the spring or summer they will fix the front porch.
I look forward to getting my hands in the dirt and planting flowers and a garden. I hope to do better this year. If I can figure out how to keep bugs out of my garden lol. Without pesticides.

I want to get a pool that is big enough we can all get in but not so big I am always worried a child might drown in it when I turn my back.Cause they get in so quick! They have no fear of water as of yet lol!

I am excited for Aaron. He is in two plays this year and gets to go over seas and we hope to go on vacation to Branson after that is all done. By then Ethan should be totally potty trained.
Sigh of relief..
The kids and I are so excited to see the plays! We went and checked out all the levels of the Apra house today while Aaron practiced. The boys loved it! Especially the third floor.

I am excited,Happy,Elated to say that in one and a half months we will have been married for 10 years! It only gets better as Renee put it so well! It truly does! I still look at him and feel so over come with love and joy! That is only because God is at the center of our marriage. But oh how many people can't say that about their marriage! It makes me sad yet happy I do think and feel this way.
God is truly an amazing God! He heals all,cures all,fills all,fulfills all,provides all,and He is all! He is the best Daddy in the world! I am humbled to think of all He has and does do for me! With all my faults and mistakes! I only pray that I can learn to love others and show grace half as much as He does to me!
My earthly father was a wonderful example of what my heavenly Father is like. Because of him I was able to accept and desire to have the best Father Father God to be my one and only in life. There is none that can fill all my hurts and sorrows as He can and does! I have learned to lean on Him! Not friends,family not even my husband can give me what I truly need! Only He can! When my eyes are on Him then my husband,children,family and friends are loved and cared for more and in a much better way. When my eyes are not focusing on Him then my husband,children,family and friends are not treated with the love and respect they deserve. I am still in training to continually focus on my Father God first. God please forgive me when I don't focus on you first and let others and things be my focus!

My faults are always before me but God is always above me reminding me that He is there to guide me and wash away my faults. I just have to focus on Him and continue to give Him me,my husband,my children,my family and my friends,my hurts,desires,dreams,wishes everything.

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